27-31 Aug 2019 Nantes (France)

How to submit your abstract

In the following menu on the left you will have 4 steps :


[1] Metadata:

-Write at least the complete title of your abstract

-It is not necessary to complete the field reserved to the abstract here and you can just put a " * ". 

-Choose the type of presentation you want to do: Poster/Talk


[2] Authors:

-Indicate only the name of the main writer of the abstract


[3] File:

-You will find here the guidelines document for your submission. This guideline is also available at the following link here.

-When your submission is ready and complete, you just have to select it (''select your file'') and click on "upload"

-Please, upload your figures in HD separately in the field dedicated to supplementary data (for the print of proceeding book).


[4] Overview:

-It is the last step before your official submission. If all is in order, you can send it to us by clicking on "submit"


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